High Offley Fernando
High Offley Fernando is a coloured showjumping stallion with plenty of scope and technique.

Order High Offley Fernando semen
Owner/Agent: Pat Morris
Contact: 07811 329229
Email: highoffleystud@yahoo.co.uk
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
Please contact our specialist team on +44 1948 666295 to discuss your options. This order cannot currently be made on the website.
Please contact us on +44 1948 666295 and our specialist team will process this order on your behalf.
High Offley Fernando is a coloured showjumping stallion with plenty of scope and technique. He demonstrates his capacities impressively in the show jumping arena in 1.30m / 1.40m classes with lots of success. High Offley Fernando has an outstanding pedigree, sired by the great Kannan out of a Samber mare. Kannan is ranked highly as one of the best showjumping sires. Kannan’s offspring conquer at all levels of competition worldwide, progeny of Kannan includes, Nino des Buissonnets (Olympic gold medal winner), Molly Malone (competed by Bertram Allen) and Diva II (competed by Ben Maher) among many others. The dam Jorinde is sired by the great KWPN coloured stallion Samber who is the sire of so many outstanding coloured sport horses, she herself is a pref KWPN and is the damn of other successful sport horses and stallions that have been exported to the USA and are competing successfully themselves. High Offley Fernando has produced a number of very exciting coloured progeny who look to be exciting sport horse prospects for the future.