Hurst Green Herculean Flash

Premium Shire Stallion

Disciplines All Rounder, Dressage, Driving, Hacking, Hunting, Showing, Multi-Purpose
Breed: Shire
Stud Book: Shire Horse Society
Height: 172cm
Colour: Bay
Year of Birth: 2006

Order Hurst Green Herculean Flash semen

Owner/Agent: Jacquie Gardiner
Contact: 07816 107440

Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS

Semen Type
Fresh / Chilled
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Hercules has done almost everything. From racing to Film work. He has been around the schools of Surrey, East Sussex and Kent publicising the Shire and its role as a tractor come tank through history. He has sired good solid colts and fillies. He may be stocky but he was very free flowing in his movements, never stallion like in his behaviour and always kind to children and adults. He did some work with special need adolescence and was a real star. Loved by all.