Lord Uno
Lord Uno is a 5yr old , 17hh , WB x ID , AES Licensed Stallion.

Order Lord Uno semen
Owner/Agent: Hayley Mossop
Email: hayley_mossop321@hotmail.com
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
Please contact our specialist team on +44 1948 666295 to discuss your options. This order cannot currently be made on the website.
Please contact us on +44 1948 666295 and our specialist team will process this order on your behalf.
Lord Uno is a 5yr old , 17hh , WB x ID , AES Licensed Stallion. Sire – Bueno Uno , Dam – Eastwood Diamond. Lord Uno is a homebred stallion with exceptional breeding on both sides, his breeding on the dam’s side incorporates some of the most world renowned ID breeding and equally his WB breeding needs no introduction. Welcome Flagmount – ID , Grade A Grand Prix SJ who has not only produced many successful SJ progeny but is also known for his outstanding input to breeding show horses of the highest quality. King Of Diamonds – ID , Grade A SJ who himself needs no introduction. Bueno Uno was competed by Emily Llwellyn BE up to and