Moyabbey George
George is a beautiful true to type pony stamp with a temperament second to none

Order Moyabbey George semen
Owner/Agent: Kath & Ailsa Vines
Contact: 07931 345022 (Ailsa)
Contact: 07850 738875 (Kath)
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
Please contact our specialist team on +44 1948 666295 to discuss your options. This order cannot currently be made on the website.
Please contact us on +44 1948 666295 and our specialist team will process this order on your behalf.
George has all the characteristics of a true Connemara pony. He has correct conformation, straight movement, a beautiful pony head, a quality length of rein and the most amazing attitude to life. He is a perfect gentleman, easy to do in every way and has been part of our family for just over 7 years He lives a charmed life enjoying a handful of County Show, hacking and farm rides where he shows great potential over a fence. Excellent for pure breds plus TB/Sports horses N/N HWSD 6 straws per dose