Muharib Al Rayyan
MUHARIB AL RAYYAN represents the essence of the best of the renowned Ansata breeding program noted for the ethereal beauty of its horses.

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Owner/Agent: Donald Duke
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
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MUHARIB AL RAYYAN represents the essence of the best of the renowned Ansata breeding program noted for the ethereal beauty of its horses. Both of his parents trace in sire line to World Reserve Junior Champion Colt and World Champion sire ANSATA HALIM SHAH. His six generations of Ansata breeding include six lines to three times U.S Top Ten Stallion *ANSATA IBN HALIMA++, the only imported Egyptian stallion to sire both a U.S National Champion Stallion (ANSATA IBN SUDAN) and a U.S. National Champion Mare (FA HALIMA). He also has six lines to halter champion and National Champion sire ANSATA SHAH ZAMAN, who was the product of a full sibling mating. He has five crosses to the treasured Ansata foundation mare, *ANSATA BINT BUKRA, to whom both his sire and dam trace in tail female, making him pure in strain Dahman Shahwan. MUHARIB AL RAYYAN is closely related to Qatar Filly Foal Champion AMAL AL RAYYAN, who is by his sire ANSATA SELMAN out of RN SULTANA, a 3/4 sister to his dam ANSATA SELKET. ANSATA SELMAN is a Qatar National Champion stallion and a sire of international champions with get who have won top titles in Europe and the Middle East. Among his winners are Sharjah National Junior Champion Filly RAYHANA ALZOBAIR, Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Colt and Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt SHAGRAN AL NASSER, Asil Cup Junior Champion Filly and Arabica Show (Germany) Silver Champion Filly EL THAY KAREENA, Strohen (Germany) Gold Champion Stallion EL THAY MELEK and Israeli Gold Champion Mare INSHA SHA LATIFA (herself a National Champion producer). ANSATA SELMAN is a full brother to Qatar National Champion Mare, Sharjah International Champion Mare and Qatar International Champion Mare JALILA AL RAYYAN. Their sire, ANSATA HEJAZI, an American Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion, is now based in Kuwait. He is a sire of American Egyptian Event winners and National Champions in the Middle East and Europe. His best get include ANSATA SELMAN and JALILA AL RAYYAN, National Champion sires ANSATA ALMURTAJIZ and ANSATA SAFEER (both 3/4 brothers to ANSATA SELMAN), ANSATA NILE ECHO (a champion in Qatar and Holland), Egyptian Reserve National Champion Stallion JAMIL AL RAYYAN, National Champion producer ANSATA NILE GYPSY, MONTHER AL NASSER (a multi-champion in Europe), and YATHREB ALJAZIRA and WADAH AL SHARG, both National Champions at the first Kuwait National Show in 2010. ANSATA HEJAZI is a full brother to ANSATA NEFERTITI, dam of Egyptian Classic (Holland) Reserve Champion Mare ANSATA QUEEN NEFR and of European and Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare ANSATA NEFER ISIS, herself dam of champions in Italy and the Middle East. ANSATA SELMAN is out of G SHAFARIA, a paternal sister to U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt, American Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, country pleasure and native costume champion ANSATA IEMHOTEP. He is the sire of 15 American Egyptian Event halter winners. G SHAFARIA is also a paternal sister to European Champion Stallion and World Reserve Champion Stallion ANSATA SINAN, sire of National