Norgaards Jason

Knabstrupper Sports Pony

Disciplines All Rounder, Dressage, Show Jumping, Sports Pony, Multi-Purpose
Breed: Knabstrupper
Stud Book: KNN, SPSS, BSpPS
Height: 147cm
Colour: Spotted
Health Status: WFFS, PSSM1 negative
Year of Birth: 2014
Stud Terms: NFFR
Stud Fee: £350
Norgaards Jason Stallion

Order Norgaards Jason semen

Owner/Agent: Heidi Wilkin
Contact: 07811 129459

Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS


Jason is one of very few Knabstrupper pony stallions in the world, and the only one in the UK. He was Graded and performance tested with a 1st Premium in 2020 and scored an impressive 878.57 points out of a possible 1000. This is one of the highest ever performance test scores for any Knabstrupper. Jason is straight and correct with athletic paces, an excellent jumping technique and a superb temperament. Being a fewspot, he is homozygous for the LP gene guaranteeing some form of spots. He has a good range of stock on the ground of excellent quality and good temperament from a variety of mares. His first crop has been started under saddle and are proving sane and sensible, as well as talented.

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