Tormento LIV
Grand Prix PRE stallion

Order Tormento LIV semen
Owner/Agent: Laura Bendel
Contact: 07740193715
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
Please contact our specialist team on +44 1948 666295 to discuss your options. This order cannot currently be made on the website.
Please contact us on +44 1948 666295 and our specialist team will process this order on your behalf.
Calificado JRR-dressage 2011 grey (heterozygous) 16.1 stallion By two Calificado parents and a grand sire being the elite Uterano VII Tormento has been very successful in Spain both in morphology and dressage. In morphology he has been functionality champion at pedroches in 2017. Champion at pedroches in 2018 and reserve champion at Ecufand in 2018. In 2019 he has been reserve champion of functionality at Pozoblanco, at Equisera he was both reserve champion in morphology and functionality. He has also competed morphology at the prestigious world championships of SICAB. In dressage in Spain he has competed successfully up to Grand Prix and competed at SICAB at PSG. Having only come to the uk this year Tormento has already been very successful having