Woodlander Wild Child
A champion from the day he was born, Woodlander Wild Child holds the record high score for the Futurity as a foal & in the same year became the WBS-UK Supreme Champion.

Order Woodlander Wild Child semen
Owner/Agent: Woodlander Stud
Contact: 07768 323351
Contact: 01497 851343
Email: winpartners@mac.com
Note: Stud fees are payable direct to the stallion owner and must be paid prior to ordering semen from SAIS
Please contact our specialist team on +44 1948 666295 to discuss your options. This order cannot currently be made on the website.
Please contact us on +44 1948 666295 and our specialist team will process this order on your behalf.
In 2013, he was again the top dressage two year old & then gained a stallion licensing “double” with both the Hannoverian International & the WBS-UK. With a double World Champion mother in Woodlander Farouche, also a world record holder for a dressage score PLUS a top scoring life approved Hannoverian sire in Woodlander Wavavoom, he is completely homemade from the best of the best. His grand dam Woodlander Dornroeschen was also an internationally successful GP dressage horse with Michael Eilberg. Three internationally licensed sons came from his first foal crop.....remarkable.