

Save The Date - Stallion Show 2025

We look forward to welcoming you to our Stallion Show on Saturday 26th April 2025. Gates open at 11.30am and the day will be jam packed with some of the best stallions standing in the UK, equestrian trade stands and a food court for everyone to enjoy

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Semen Collection Course

One to one practical tuition on how to collect and process fresh/chilled semen for 1-4 delegates. A limited number of dates are available in Autumn/Winter 2023/24, so don't miss out on your slot!

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Storing & Handling Frozen Semen Course

Do you or your practice/stud handle frozen semen on behalf of clients? Our experienced lab team can show you all aspects of frozen semen handling up to and not including insemination, with over 50% practical.

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