Stallion semen freezing is a must have essential component of every stallions breeding programme. Allowing UK & worldwide stallion semen distribution, protection against the unexpected and breeding alongside competition demands. At Stallion AI Services, we provide an unbeaten world class equine semen freezing service, allowing you to bank the very best breeding potential from your stallion.
What is Stallion Semen Freezing?
Indefinite preservation of stallion semen & equine breeding
Also known as cryopreservation, stallion semen freezing involves the freezing of equine semen to a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius.
At this temperature, the stallion sperm cells are frozen in a static but viable state. When thawed, the stallion semen is re-awakened to its pre-frozen form and capable of fertilisation.
For some stallions, fertility can be comparable to chilled equine semen when frozen, thawed, handled and inseminated correctly.

What Are The Benefits Of Stallion Semen Freezing?
Our Award Winning & World Class Stallion Semen Freezing Facilities
Queen's Award Winner for Enterprise Innovation 2022
Your Stallion Semen Freezing Options
To start your stallion semen freezing, contact us today on 01948 666 295 or via the contact form below. If you know which countries you would like to freeze for, please include this information too.
A crucial first step will be NAF 5* Fertility, for optimum equine semen quality. Take a look at our educational video which highlights the importance of this tailored nutritional supplement to stallion semen quality and stallion fertility. Available to purchase here
Your stallion will also need pre-breeding health tests. Instructions can be accessed here but it is vitally important that you speak to one of our team prior to health testing, to ensure you are carrying out the right tests and within the required time period.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is classified as a dose?
At Stallion AI Services, we freeze at 6 x 0.5ml straws per dose frozen at a concentration of 200-300 million sperm/ml. This can be adjusted by the stallion owner at any point in time, although it is recommended that successful pregnancy rates are considered when reducing the number of straws per dose.
Is the semen collected guaranteed to achieve a pregnancy?
Unfortunately no, there is no guarantee that semen will result in pregnancies. We can give an accurate assessment on the parameters which can be important factors for successful fertilisation, however, it is impossible to predict overall fertility without pregnancy rates.
How long does sperm production take?
On average, sperm production, otherwise known as spermatogenesis, takes 57 days.
What does motility mean?
Total motility is the percentage of sperm cells moving in any direction in the semen sample. Progressive motility is the percentage of sperm cells moving straight and forward, this is usually around 5-10% lower than the total motility but is completely stallion dependent.
What is the difference between pass and borderline doses?
Borderline doses contain semen which didn’t quite meet pass requirements upon post thaw analysis. For semen to pass post thaw assessments, the following scores must be met; progressive motility - 35% or over and viability – 45% or over.
How is the frozen semen stored?
Frozen semen is stored in large tanks filled with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°c. The semen will stay in liquid nitrogen until it is thawed for insemination.
How much does it cost to store semen?
It completely depends on the amount that you wish to collect and keep. Cryogenetics storage and distribution costs are included in the departure bucket that a stallion leaves the centre with. Alternatively, contact to request an electronic version of this document.
How can I sell and advertise frozen semen?
Once a nomination contract has been drawn up and a stud fee decided, it is time to advertise! There are many methods to utilise including social media, website pages and word of mouth. The Stallion AI website and Directory are both great places to get your stallions noticed, as well as showcasing them at our annual ‘Stallion AI Services Open Day’.
Once an order has been placed, with your approval, we handle the rest and get the semen shipped out to the mare owners – no hassle involved!
How many doses of frozen semen does it take for a mare to become pregnant?
The average mare will require 2 doses of frozen semen before a successful pregnancy is achieved.
How old does a stallion be before he can be collected from?
Generally, stallions who are three and over have semen that is mature enough to freeze, however, this can be completely stallion dependent. Some may take more time to mature, others may take less.
What can affect a stallion’s fertility?
Stallion fertility can be impacted by many factors such as: genetics, environment, diet, fitness, age, breed, history of health and behaviour and overuse.
What does viability mean?
Viability is measured by staining and fluorescing the sperm cells in a machine called a ‘NucleoCounter’. If the sperm cells have damage to their membrane, it will cause the cell to fluoresce, meaning that the cell is non-viable. From this, the percentage of viable sperm cells which may have the capability to successfully fertilise is calculated.
Will borderline doses work, and can I sell them to clients?
Borderline semen may still work just as well as pass doses, this is completely stallion dependent, whereas in other cases, more straws may be needed to achieve pregnancies. These doses can be sold, but we do advise that it is disclosed to clients if they are receiving borderline scored semen.
How long can the frozen semen be stored for?
Frozen semen once in liquid nitrogen can be stored indefinitely.
How much semen can I store?
As much or little as you wish! We do not have a maximum or minimum amount of semen that one owner can store at one time.
How do customers order semen?
Semen can be ordered through From here, all stallions who have semen stored at the centre can be ordered.
When a client orders semen, an email alert will be sent to the owner of the stallion required; by logging onto the stallion owner section of the website, approval can be granted, allowing the laboratory to progress with sending the order out once all payment is made.